Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Part 1 (summary)
The European Union put a new plan to reduce the amount of emissions. German Chancellor Angela Merkal and some European politicians met to make a deal on climate change and security of energy.

The 27 countries have acted to reduce the amount of emissions by 20% in 2020. Also, to increase the use of renewable energy like water, air, tidal power and biofuels.

The EU put a plan for reducing the amount of emissions. Power stations in the EU will have carbon capture and new technology for storage after 2010. In European Emissions Trading scheme they set new limits for carbon emissions.

European countries trying to change to renewable energies, but there are many problems. First, most types of renewable energy are expensive and sometimes they destroy the environment. Second, natural habitats will be disturbed by wind farms. Third, mass bioufuel farming will destroy agriculture and some places like the Amazon will lose rain forest. Some countries like India and China will use cheaper fossil fuels if the price of renewable energies stays the same.

David Miliband said that Britain will cut 60 % of carbon emissions by 2050.
The UN talked about the succerror to Kyoto in Indonesia and the UN hopesto get more success in future deals.


Part 2
The EU put a plan to face the global warming. They discussed the action plan and problems of renewable power. Some countries in the UN discuss the Kyoto argreement and they want to make a new deal.

Part 3
I know that the EU wants to lead the world in this problem. The United States doesn’t want to sign the Kyoto treaty because it will affect industries in the US. Renewable power has advantages and disadvantages.The advantages are renewable and clear of emissions. The disadvantages are high price and the effect on the environment. I think governments should work together to solve the effects of global warming.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My carbon footprint

Your carbon footprint is the amount of emissions which affect the earth which l’m responsible for. My carbon footprint is 3.30 and I measured by using this link http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/. I measured four main categories: food, travel, home and stuff. In food I answered I meat or fish once a week. Many families in the UAE usually eat fish at the lunch .In travel question I said I have a big petrol car and I usually travel over 300kms weekly. Eevery week I drive from my home in Ajman to Abu Dhabi. The both trips take two hours. In home I said that I use electricity for cooling.

My carbon footprint according to other students in my class is good because some students’ carbon print is more than six. Some statistics of some countries said that UAE people have the highest per person rate of carbon foot print. I advise my friends to reduce their travels and reduce the uses of some stuff in their home.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Brandon Fibbs,
Al Gore said in the beginning of the film it might be the scariest movie that the viewer will see in the year. He gave a little explanation of global warming in the beginning of the film. Then, he gave all the evidence that scientists found in the nature that cause global warming by showing pictures and charts. At the end of the movie he wants to solve this problem.
Al Gore uses the global warming problem as a tool for his future presidential campaign against Bush for the White House. He mentioned his sister's death from lung cancer and his son's accident and these aren't related to the movie's subject.

My opinion is the first review is very good to the movie. The reviewer mentioned all good things about the movie. I think the reviewer could mention more evidence in the review because there are lot of pictures and charts in the movie.
The first review doesn't show any bad comment about some scenes of the movie. The second review mentioned some comments about Al Gore's personal wish for the presidential campaign. He mentioned that Al Gore talked in the movie about his sister's death from lung cancer and his son's near death which are personal issues not related to the global warming problem.