Saturday, May 30, 2009


The global warming is a real problem facing the world. The global warming is the increase in the earth’s temperature which affects the weather. More carbon dioxide in the air will increase the heat. There are many dangerous results of global warming. We call it warming global because it affects the entire world at the same time.
Today there are many modern functions that human do which affect global warming. Power sector is responsible of 70% of gas emissions in the world. The generating of power is the biggest gases emission producer with 31% in the power sector. Industries activities are second biggest with 15%. All transport is responsible for 15% of gas.
The land use casuses 23% of gas emissions in the air. Deforestation is the main cause of increases of gas emissions in this sector. The forests are a storage of carbon dioxide, but some groups want to build projects or cause fires to cause deforestation the forests.

There are many effects of global warming for the people and animals in the world.
The polar ice is melting, so the sea levels will rise to affect many islands and countries. There are many animals like poler bears. The poler bears have to find a new land to live.
Millions of people have to find new places to live because the rising sea levels will destroy many cities. The people have to face the stronger storms in the future.

If we want to solve the global warming problems we have to take some steps or we have to face the effects of global warming.
First, we have to reduce the carbon dioxide in the air starting with ourselves. Everybody can save electricity in the home. We have to stop deforestation.

In my person opinion:
The future will be better than now if we work together to solve this problem. The USA government didn’t sign the Kyoto agreement because it affects the economy of the US.
Today there are many technologies which could reduce the carbon dioxide. Hybrid cars could take the place of current car in the future. Build more nuclear power stations to reduce the gas emissions.

"Global climate." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Rob Nagel. 2nd ed. Detroit: U*X*L, 2007. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Higher Colleges of Technology. 27 May. 2009

Global Warming Effects. 27 May 2009 .

"Effects of Global Warming." Global-warming effects. Ed. IPCC. 27 May 2009 .

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Masder City

Masder City is the first free carbon dixioneded in the Middle East. The city cost 22$ billion dollars to build. Masder city is the one of project of Abu Dhabi government in Abu Dhabi 2030 plan. In the city, privates cars will not allowed in the city. The city will provide some kinds of transports. The Personal Rapid transit will work in the city. 3000 units will work in the city and they will run 135000 trips daily. The personal rapid transit will be the main travel way in the city.
The light rail will work as the main transports between Masder city and main near areas like Abu Dhabi Airport, Yash Island and Al Raha beach. The Metro will connect Abu Dhabi city and Masder city.

Solar power is main power that Mader city uses for power. There are Technologies which will uses in the masder city like Water recycling, desalination, waste to energy.

Water Recycling:
The drininking water, grey water and sewage water will filter lightly before use for plants

Masder will try to reduce the amount of desalination water in the city by using water recycling technologies.

Waste to energy:
The latest researches showed the UAE has the second highest in garbage rate per person in the world. SO, the UAE has to deal high amount of home garbage . Masder city will use garbage to generate power by burning.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Task 6: Cool city

According to video:
There are many problems for a new modern economy. Some of the problems the are traffic delays, a population gorwth and highs levels of carbon dioxinde in the air . If we continue our current grow we will need to find another planet to live on which is impossible. We need to reduce the carbon dioxide by 50%. In the last 30 Japan GDP doubled,but the energy efficiency increased 37% and oil uses reduce by 8%.

The video showed 90% of pollution comes from building and transport.

Cool city is a green city with zero emissions of carbon dioxins. The SDCT Company has the idea of this project and SDJA is Japanese company.

The hybrid cars will be personal transport in this city. Solar ships and taxies will work as public transport in the cool city. Also, light rail or monorail will run in the city. There are three main areas in city and they are business, culture and residential.

Because of the weather of some countries there are techniques used to reduce the heat such as roof membranes and planting trees around the city. The waterways are used to reduce the heat from transport. The prediction is that eco-towers reduce Co2 50% and eco-residences reduce 30%.
The overall Co2 reducetion in this video is 60%.

My opinion:
The project is very good in the video and lt's explains it goals very clearly. They talked the Co2 predict reduce percentages. I thinik we have to study more because the project doesn’t show the cost and the number of people who can live in the city